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Set up Preview

Ingress.Wiki is built with Starlight and Astro. To be able to preview your contribution before contributing to our GitHub repo, you need to set up a development environment.

You can set up environment on your own computer if you plan to contribute often or already have most of the tools, but if you’re not into programming, you can use a cloud-based development environment like GitHub Codespaces.

  1. Install Node.js and pnpm.

    We use pnpm as our package manager. Even though npm will happily install the dependencies, we recommend using pnpm to avoid potential dependency version issues.

  2. Clone our GitHub repo. If you are not familiar with Git, we recommend GitHub Desktop for it’s relatively easy-to-use interface.

    Repo URL:

  3. Run pnpm install in the repo directory to install the dependencies.

  4. Run pnpm dev to start the development server. You should see something like this:

    astro v5.2.5 ready in 1473 ms
    ┃ Local http://localhost:4321/
    ┃ Network use --host to expose

    Open the URL after Local in your browser to see the site.

Now you can start contributing by editing the Markdown files in the src/content/docs directory. The site will automatically update when you save the file. Afterwards you can submit your changes by creating a pull request on GitHub.